
Bruxelles: les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert.

Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert en un clic

2 commentaires:

Ana a dit…


marco a dit…

LOVE BRUSSLES,BUT ''VIENNA',she's the queen,prague her princess,hapsburg hohenzollern really did it over paris,brussles,or bruxelles.a friend,obviously german american lived in munchen,rhine,ect,twenty rad yrs,he said,it's like neighbors,one keeps up the yard,paints the house,keeps it pretty,fresh,THAT'S GERMANY,one has shutters fallin fuckin down,dead spots in lawn,PAINT PEELING,THAT'S FRANCE,and ya know,caines,many places,CALL IT ROMANTIC,I CALL IT RUN DOWN,LAZY,i'll take munich over any french city,prague,vienna,sorry guys,bruxelles,and other towns,seem just run down,unkempt